Type Cast Interview 1: 16-Yead-Old Author, Peighton Weber

A Series of Creative Writing Blogs To Share Story Ideas And Creative Writing Inspiration From Young Authors And Poets.



Being a teacher, I have always been passionate about the creativity that young people show, and the young author is the same. I would always love creative writing lessons and the vibrant, explosive stories the children would write. The marking it created was horrendous, but the excitement and enthusiasm that flowed from the minds of those kids was worth it.

Writing fiction novels can be a task that many adults shy away from because if how much work is involved in the writing process from start to finish. When young people attempt these mammoth tasks, they do so with less fear and a huge amount of drive and ambition. I want to use this creative writing blog to inspire young writers and insure they have a platform to share who they are and what they are writing.

Ultimately, it was the creativity of a young girl who twisted my arm into writing my debut novel, Inside Iris. Lucy’s enthusiasm and desire to be the first to read my story meant I had to finish it. I owe SO much to young people and, though this passion, I want to share interviews with willing authors between the ages of 16 and 25. I want to share what inspires the minds of these young authors, writers and poets!

scott gilmore young adult kindle author

Through this series of creative writing blogs, that I have titles ‘Type Cast’, I want to pass on what these young authors have achieved so that you may shout about them too! I contacted a young writer on my Instagram account called Peighton Weber and asked her if she would like to be the first young author on my Type Cast creative writing blog series. I am so glad that Peighton agreed to contribute.

Please read on and learn about 16-year-old Peighton Weber. Independently published author of Smoke and Ashes.

1. When did you first realise that you wanted to be a writer?

I realised I wanted to be an author at a very young age, but I didn’t begin to pursue that particular career path until I was eight. I believe I first wanted to be an author when I was 5 years old.

2. Do you plan or research your writing before you start? If so, what is your process for planning or research?

Considering the fact that I am a fantasy author, there isn’t much research I can do for a world that I created, but I do plan out the story before I begin by conducting an outline that I use throughout the whole process.

3. In your most recent work, or work-in-progress, what is the main idea of the story and what inspired you to write it?

My current WIP (Work In Progress) is called Frost and Flame and it is the sequel to my debut novel, Smoke and Ashes. I can’t really state the main idea without spoiling something from the first novel, but I can say that I am much more excited about the sequel.

4. Which person inspired your writing the most? It can be anyone – e.g. an author, a teacher or a family member.

No one in particular inspired me to become an author. I really loved reading and art as a child and I wanted to create something of my own. So, I guess you could say I inspired myself.

5. If you could choose one book from a famous author to publish as your own, which book would you choose and why?

I don’t think I would choose any novel to publish as my own. I am proud of my own work and I know for a fact that every author is proud of theirs.

6. As a young author, what do you think makes a good story?

Well-written characters, beautiful and appropriately-used diction, an original plot line, and an attention-grabbing first chapter.

scott gilmore type case creative writing blog

Email Scott at scott@sgfiction.co.uk to enquire about appearing in the Type Cast creative writing blog.

7. What does your family think of your writing and how do they support you?

My family has always been really supportive. Within the first week of my publication, they threw me a book release party where I signed books and talked about my writing.

8. Do you feel there are any challenges being a young author? If so, what are they?

Well, I published my debut novel at age fifteen, and as such a young author, many other writers don’t take me seriously, even the ones who have yet to publish a novel of their own. Some new writers have even tried to give me advice, which I find amusing as well as insulting.

9. What are your hobbies away from writing and what makes them so important to you?

When I’m not writing, I enjoy drawing—which I consider myself to be really skilled at. I also enjoy singing and reading.

10. Are you traditionally or independently published and what title/s have you put out so far?

I am independently published because I needed to have more control over my own work that traditional publishing offers. The only novel I have out is my debut, Smoke and Ashes, but the second is coming along.

11. You are a young author, what one piece of advice would you give to a budding author who has not quite taken that step?

My advice would be, despite what anyone tells you, if you want to be an author then keep working at it. I have experienced a lot of self-doubt as well as doubt and criticism from others, but it’s important to remember that you are your own worst critic.

The process may feel insurmountable now, but when you overcome your self-doubt and understand that the people who are critiquing you are trying to help, everything becomes so much easier.

12. In relation to writing, what are your hopes and aspirations for the future?

I biggest life goal is to eventually make it onto the New York Times bestseller’s list, but for now, I’m working to grow my business and expand my target audience.

inside iris chapter one scott gilmore kindle author

Click on the image to watch Scott’s reading of Inside Iris chapter one on his YouTube channel, SG Fiction.


Why I Champion The Young Author

Young people, like Peighton, are amazing. I loved reading her advice to young authors out there who may still feel too timid to take that first step and write. As children, your imagination is SO much more vivid and fruitful that millions of ‘wiser’, ‘smarter’ adults. use that imagination an, like Peighton, write your own story!

When I was a classroom teacher, I always got my pupils to sit down and set achievable, concrete goals that they would like to achieve by the end of their year with me. Concrete goals are important as an indie author as well as a traditionally published author. You need to remember that goals give you something to aim for.

Your next step is to consider how to get to those goals. With your goal in mind, think of a number of smaller, achievable steps that you can make in order to make that goal a successful one. If you can put one foot in front of the other, there is no telling where your steps will take you.

If you are a young author, aged 16-25, or know someone who is, please share this creative writing blog and ask them to contact me at scott@sgfiction.co.uk. I want to grow this into a bi-weekly blog and share some of the author stories of teens and young adults out there.