Type Cast Interview 2: 22-Year-Old Author, Jordan Smith

A Series of Creative Writing Blogs To Share Story Ideas And Creative Writing Inspiration From Young Authors And Poets.

Another week has come around and yet another young author/writer has contacted me about writing up an author interview with them for my creative writing blog – ‘Type Cast‘.

This ‘cast’ of young, up-and-coming writers are people who have followed me on social media and have interested me in one way or another. Either how their social media feed is composed, their writing or simply just being curious about their work/writing process as a fellow writer.

As authors, we are all magpies. We are nosey and love to pick out nuggets of treasure from other artists’ work and see of it fits alongside out own. I love to learn and I love to pick at the craft of other authors’ work to see how their process differs, or is similar to my own.

As I said before, being a teacher by profession, I love working and hearing about how young people (between the ages of 16 and mid-twenties) are driven enough to take risks and feel inspired to chase a dream.

Initially, I wanted to keep this creative writing blog series to under 21, but I recently raised the bar to 25. I just want to share the work and processes of as many young authors as I can on a bi-weekly basis. If enough writers contact me, I will move to a weekly author blog to keep up with the content being sent to me.

If you are a young writer, between 16 and 25, please follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn and ask me about the Type Cast blog. I would love to hear from you!

One young writer who did just that is 22-year-old Jordan Smith! Jordan contacted me through social media and shared a keen interest in being interviewed as an author for Type Cast. Read the piece below to learn about Jordan and her work. Remember to share this blog around and check out Jordan’s writer blog.

1. When did you first realise that you wanted to be a writer?

I think being a writer isn’t so much about “wanting” to be one as having to be one. The urgency to get all the thoughts in beautiful sequence out of your head and into a form that other people can experience is compelling.

I first felt the need to release all the words swimming in my mind when I was in my sixth grade English class. We began to read The Hobbit and something just clicked in me.

I had all these ideas sparking of my own story that I began to hand write into a little notebook. From that point on I never stopped being swept away by the power of words on a page.

scott gilmore type cast blog interview

Email Scott at scott@sgfiction.co.uk to enquire about being a member of the Type Cast creative writing blog.

2. Do you plan or research your writing before you start? If so, what is your process for planning or research?

Most of what I write now is devotional or Christian-life based, so my “research” is in my own personal devotion time. Studying the scriptures of the Bible and listening to other sermons and podcasts from preachers and evangelists are where all the content flows from.

3. In your most recent work, or work-in-progress, what is the main idea of the story and what inspired you to write it?

I’ve written a book that’s in the publishing process about my own personal testimony of how God brought my husband and I together. It also has devotional content that in hopes, will help the next girl who wants to find a God centred relationship.

I was inspired to write it because the waiting time was hard. I would love to be able to encourage someone else to keep going. To push through the hard time, the waiting season, the trusting time, and hold on because the outcome is well worth the wait.

4. As a young author, what do you think makes a good story?

The ability to relate to the human condition. A story, fiction or fact, that can make a person think about their own real lives in a new light is the sign of a successful narrative.

5. Do you feel there are any challenges being a young author? If so, what are they?

YES. YES. YES. The lack of confidence you have in yourself is already crushing, but then add the disadvantage of limited experience and writing becomes a game not suitable for the weak.

Publishing a first-time work is harder than writing the book. You pretty much have to know someone who can put in a ‘good word’ for you with their literary agent or publisher because most of them aren’t accepting submissions from first-time authors.

6. What are your hobbies away from writing and what makes them so important to you?

I love getting the opportunity to preach and travel for mission’s work. I’ve been to places like Brazil, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica to share the love of God and bring supplies to people in need.

7. Are you traditionally or independently published and what title/s have you put out so far?

I’m working now on getting my first book published. I’m not opposed to independently publishing, but I’d love to go the traditional publishing route if possible.

I do have an author blog that I use to let out some writer steam in the meantime though. You can check it out at by clicking here.

8. You are a young author, what one piece of advice would you give to a budding author who has not quite taken that step?

Write it, then write it again, then again and again.

Not everything you write will be good, but it will all be worth writing because it’s all practice. It’s all experience. It’s all part of the process.

scott gilmore young adult kindle author


Why I Champion The Young Author

What interested me about Jordan was how she used her faith to inspire her work as a writer. Authors are inspired from multiple areas in their life and Jordan’s happens to be her faith. When I look at young authors and poets online, I love to see snippets of what it is that inspires them to do what they do. As creative people, we can all learn from one another and the writing process that we undertake.

Another area of Jordan’s interview that rang true for me was how she felt insecure as a young author. When I was 21-years-old, studying my Master’s Degree in Creative Writing, I didn’t feel ‘qualified’ to be in the same room as more experienced authors who had made a name for themselves. I always felt that I had to live or have life-experience in order to write a play or a novel, like Inside Iris, at the time.

Many young people out there suffer from anxiety, depression and a fear of taking a chance in life. This fear cripples them in so many ways, debilitating their ability to achieve their hopes and dreams.

If you are a young writer, even a child picking up a pen or pencil for the first time to write a story, ‘Write it, then write it again, then again and again,’ – as Jordan says. I wholeheartedly agree with her!

Write what you think! Write what you feel! Only then will you develop a voice as a writer that you can be proud of!