eBook Marketing: How To Market Your Kindle eBook In 2020

As a top-selling Kindle eBook fiction author with Inside Iris, I want to repeat the success with Anna’s Awakening. Here, I will share eBook marketing tips in 2020.

In this eBook Marketing blog article, you will find advice in the following areas:

  • Pre-Launch tips so you can prepare an eBook marketing approach for the months ahead, meaning you’ll be less anxious and scratching your head about which approach to take,
  • Why you should blog about your book ahead of publication to help build up interest, which means people are aware of the upcoming launch and can buy a copy on launch day,
  • Website landing pages dedicated to your new book gives the novel a specific area of your website, meaning visitors will find the book information easier and be less frustrated on your site,
  • Book launch advice to help you find areas to publicise the book’s launch, which leads to potential readers buying a copy on launch day when they see your announcement,
  • Social media eBook marketing tips can help you spread the word widely, this can save you money on Pay-Per-Click ads,
  • Post launch advice on eBook marketing, including gathering reader reviews, can help build your book’s reputation as well as yours as an author.
Read the rest of the eBook Marketing article to see how you can improve your next eBook launch in the months ahead.


eBook Marketing: Now The Fun Begins

Congratulations, you’ve written the book! Now the eBook marketing fun begins!

You’re getting ready to publish your fiction book on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Perhaps it’s your debut novel, or it could be your tenth Kindle eBook.

Before you bite the bullet and push that “publish” button – have you ever considered however you’re getting to market your masterpiece?

Whether your goal is to sell a million copies or to write your novel to connect with the millions of readers out there who can appreciate your work, it is best to plan and execute a solid online marketing strategy. You can read tens of creative writing tips articles, but it is up to you to decide which approaches will work for you and your novel.

Simply because you’ve written a novel doesn’t mean potential readers and customers are going to be tripping over themselves to buy it. As a fiction author, your journey of selling books has just begun.

Marketing your eBook online will be a laborious task and something of a slog. The truth is, almost all self-published Kindle novels are lucky to sell a hundred copies of the novel. However, if you’re willing to put the work in, there’s lots of potential for your eBook to sell very well in the online Kindle marketplace. With Amazon and the KDP format, you have the world’s largest eBook market at your fingertips. With the right approach, you could make a name for yourself.

In the following article, I will lay out some approaches and tactics that you can try when approaching how to market and sell your Kindle eBook online in the UK and beyond.

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eBook Marketing: The Pre-Launch Approach

When you self-publish an eBook Amazon, you’re the author, publisher, editor, graphic designer, and marketer. Here, I will suggest some strategies to get your Kindle novel viewed, promoted, and downloaded onto the Kindles of readers who will look more favourably on leaving you a review. This, my friends, is the hardest part!

Aside from writing a quality book in itself, coming up with an engaging book title, and an eye-catching book cover, there are a variety of pre-marketing steps you may wish to consider. All of these steps can play a vital role before hitting the ‘publish’ button to add your Kindle eBook to the hyper-competitive book market.

Oh, My Blog! I’ve Written a Kindle eBook!

Hopefully, you have already got a website, and you write blog articles connected to your Kindle novels frequently. If you don’t, you really should begin one immediately.

A website offers you a ‘home’ online. These days, making your website is comparatively simple to how it would have been years ago. 

There are countless places to create free websites. There, you can build a simple website to transfer content, information about you, and pictures. In no time, you can produce a website that can be used to promote your Kindle eBook and connect with your audience.

Make sure your website has the option to incorporate a blog – this is vital. Why? A blog offers you an opportunity to showcase your writing, have interaction with future readers, and (once published) drive traffic to your eBook and Kindle author landing page.

Be sure to reply to those who take the time to comment on your blogs. It would help if you also embedded or listed social share buttons on all of your blog posts to encourage reader engagement.

Pre-Launch Landing Pages Build Up Anticipation

Collecting emails is that the smartest and best way to market your Kindle eBook to future consumers. It’s also an extremely productive way to begin generating interest in your eBook with pre-launch promotions.

The best ways in which to do this can be through email-gated landing pages. On these landing pages, there are a lot of pre-launch campaigns you can run to engage and include potential readers. They include:

  • Getting visitors to vote on a book cover,
  • Hosting email-gated giveaways to offer free copies of your book,
  • Engaging your readers by posing questions linked to your book characters,
  • Approach your visitors by asking for fan fiction or an alternate ending to the Kindle eBook.

Pre-launch promotions can begin to build up that all-important buzz – before you even publish. Much excitement can be generated, leading up to your launch. With a well devised pre-eBook launch campaign can create lots of interest in the novel before it is made live on the Kindle store.

Keep in mind that Amazon has lists of a hundred bestselling eBooks. If you can build up an interest in your novel leading up to publication your Kindle eBook, it can be more likely to appear as a bestseller on a genre-specific chart.

Aside from the dream of being a bestselling Kindle author, entering into a top-ten spot also helps to sell many books. Kindle readers who are searching for a new eBook are a lot more likely to shop in a recommended selection as well as the bestseller list.

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Click on the image to see the fiction books I have released so far. Both Inside Iris and Anna’s Awakening are available for purchase on Kindle and paperback from Amazon.

eBook Marketing: Launch Approach

By this point, let’s assume you have excited, intrigued, and super-engaged your future audience, you’re right on the brink of having a dazzling book launch. These are the next steps to take on the road of your Kindle eBook author launch campaign.


Build An Engaging eBook and Kindle Author Landing Page

Create a landing page on your website wherever you offer your ‘book blurb’. Here you will showcase the Unique Selling Points (USP) of your book in comparison to competitors, and hooking potential readers into buying a copy of your eBook. Upload a high-resolution image of your book cover and even a Kindle eBook promo trailer if you’ve created one.

Once you have your Kindle eBook landing page set up on your website, link the Call to Action (buy now) button to it. Whether the customers buy it directly from you or your Amazon purchase page, link it immediately once it’s live.

Once your book has been vetted and has gone through KDP to become live, make your eBook landing page public.

By having an eBook and even a Kindle author landing page on your website, you offer many more selling opportunities to visitors and can drive traffic to your web site.

Announce your Kindle eBook’s Release To The World

Just like a traditional publishing company would, you ought to promote your novel with online promotion or an article on your author blog sharing the official launch of your Kindle book.

Pitch your book to publications linked to your niche audience. This might include:

  • Online journals who publicise reviews in your genre,
  • Popular blogs associated with your Kindle eBook subject material,
  • Local newspapers and online publications.

Be sure to share your Kindle eBook launch with your email contacts. To share your exciting news and generate a buzz with those who are already fascinated by your work shows an engagement with them as well as a possible sales technique.

annas awakening novel logo


Promote your Kindle eBook Via Email & Social Media!

Once you’ve decided to push the ‘publish’ button on Amazon KDP, transfer a series of customised emails to your entire mailing list.

Send out your initial email before your book is live. Let your engaged audience understand that your Kindle eBook is hours from being available for purchase through the Kindle eBook Store. Build up anticipation by setting out to remind your readers of the effort you’ve put into the eBook and its promotion. Also, the advantages they’ll get from reading and then reviewing your work.

Over the coming weeks, engage with your readers through email sharing your excitement. Share any updates, if you received press coverage, if a reader reviewed your book, and any progress it has made in the Kindle eBook charts.

Promote your launch on all of your social media channels too. Include the link to your Kindle book page on Amazon to create a simple link to purchase your book instantly.

eBook Marketing: Post-Launch Approach

Once your book is launched, and you’ve had success with it on the Kindle eBook Store, you will continue to have many opportunities to promote your masterpiece. Take a breath; the selling is only starting.

There are many ways in which to market your Kindle eBook online after the book has been launched. Here are some strategies to further connect with the proper audience and to sell more copies of your book.

Created a Kindle eBook Reviews Page

There’s nothing more rewarding than that first book review. To influence visitors to your website to review your novel, you may share their eBook’s reviews on your website and to your social media followers. Each of those are helpful strategies.

Create a landing page on your website, where fellow Kindle authors in your niche can submit their work. Allow them to understand that you can review their book, and post that review on your Kindle author blog with a link back to their website or Kindle novel page.

When you provide reviews, fellow Kindle authors can reciprocate with a review of your novel. They’ll seemingly be a lot more receptive and willing to offer you reviews on a quid pro quo basis.

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Click the image to learn more about Scott Gilmore, Belfast dystopian fiction author.

Kindle Author Promotions & Giveaways

Just like in a bricks and mortar store, a well thought out promotion can send your sales through the roof.

Kindle has an exclusive eBook promotion service for its authors. A number of times a year, KDP authors can make their books available at no cost – for a restricted time. However, be wary of this approach in the long run as readers will wait for it to be available for free rather than purchase it.

Another helpful promotional strategy is to offer giveaways. These can be forms of merchandise, signed paperback books, or a bestselling novel from a mainstream author. There are many ways to offer promotions to your loyal readership and also boost new readers too.



eBook Marketing: The Takeaway

Publishing your Kindle eBook could be a profitable experience. However, you’re unlikely to sell millions of copies right away. Keep in mind that the typical Kindle eBook author is lucky to sell more than a hundred books. However, if you’re dedicated and persistent, you may build enough of a readership to sell more and become a Kindle eBook bestselling author.

I have loved writing these Kindle eBook marketing tip blogs for readers. I apply much of what I learn through my professional copywriting, blogging, and marketing career. However, nothing is certain, and with all the will in the world, you cannot force someone to buy your book. All we can do as Kindle eBook authors in the UK and elsewhere is say that we did our best and give our beloved novel wings to fly.

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