Writing Kindle Fiction Books: My Writing Inspiration

When writing Kindle Fiction Books, novels, and short stories, I am regularly drawn to the people and places that are my writing inspiration. Here is one of them.



As a UK Fiction Author who writes Kindle Fiction Books, novels, and short stories, I like to take some time to reflect on my writing life to date. There is no doubt that all writers draw upon areas of their lives that offer writing inspiration. They may be people, places, objects, or other inspirational fiction authors.

The beauty of creative writing, and the process that surrounds it, is that it is unique to every person who picks up a pen or keyboard. We are all inspired by different muses and have our methodologies or superstitions that we follow. Whether our process would work for anyone else out there is debatable. However, for us, as we write our novels or Kindle fiction books, they are as vital to our creative beings as oxygen.

Over the Christmas period, I have taken some time off to read, spend time with family, and, of course, eat my fill of turkey, ham, and anything else that is edible. During this time, I was able to think about my journey as an author, copywriter, and blogger.

As I took some time to reflect, I had several ideas flash into my mind that helped me to trace the journey I have made so far, and where I hope my journey as an author will take me in 2020.

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Redrafting kindle fiction books as a UK fiction author can be a pain. Click on the image to read my blog on how I feel redrafting is best to be approached.

My Grandfather: Billy Bailie

As a youngster, growing up in Belfast, Northern Ireland, I was an only child as part of a one-parent family. I was brought up in a working-class housing estate in North Belfast with few male role-models that I could count on to help inspire me.

I will always remember one man being there and sharing so much with me that I was only able to view as a writing inspiration as a young man in his twenties. That man was my grandfather, Billy Bailie.

When I completed my Creative Writing Master’s Degree, we were encouraged to think back and reflect a lot. Whether it was to think of an old toy that was special to us or to consider a person who inspired us as a writer, we would look back to the foundation of what it was that made us as storytellers, whether we were poets, screenwriters, or fiction authors.

The one person who always came to mind was my mother’s father, Billy.

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If you’re a Kindle fiction author or a UK fiction author, check out my guide to selling KDP eBooks. Click the image to read.

The Kindle Fiction Books Author & The Past

As an author of Kindle fiction books, novels, and short stories, I feel incredibly lucky to have had someone as inspirational as my grandfather there. He was someone who was incredibly gifted at making up stories from the top of his head and I, as a young boy, loved to hear them.

My grandfather was a baker and would regularly make pies, tarts, and pancakes on days when I was there. My mother helped look after my grandmother, so I was there almost every day.

From my earliest memories, I remember standing beside the cooker or the electric grill pan with my grandfather beside me. We would mix batter and dough as he told me stories. These stories helped give me an insatiable appetite for storytelling, novels, movies, and writing Kindle fiction books later in life.

My grandfather would tell me ghost stories that intrigued me. Characters like Dr Frankenstein, his creature, Dracula, and ghost stories were meant to scare me slightly, but mainly to entertain me as my mum helped her mother upstairs. I know some of you reading this would consider these actions odd, but I looked at granddad Billy with awe as he told me stories that were meant just for me.

As I scooped ladles of pancake batter into the scorching hot grill pan, he would share his story. By the end, as I forked the last piece of pancake into my mouth, I would hear how the story ended.

My mother and I would make our way over to our house later that evening. We lived no more than five-hundred-yards away, but I would walk home with my mother and recite the story her father had just told me that day. I knew she would disapprove of him telling me ‘scary stories’, but I loved his stories, and I loved re-telling them to my mum.

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If you’re a Kindle fiction book fan, click the image to read this blog about why you should review your favourite Uk fiction author’s book.

The Kindle Fiction Books Author & 2020

Just before Christmas, I finished the final draft of my second novel, Anna’s Awakening. I have received the finished book cover and plan to reveal it in the first week of January. The future is so exciting, and I hope to make 2020 my most successful year yet.

The stories that my grandfather told me to have, in one way or another, influenced my own short stories. This will, in turn, lead me to publish a collection of short stories called The Hexingham Chronicles.

These short stories were initially published in rough form on my previous website as a tool I could refer to when composing blogs and YouTube videos. However, in the past few months, I have been rewriting them to put into the collection of short stories.

The hope is that this collection will give readers another view of Hexingham, the metropolis in the Iris Trilogy. It will be from various perspectives and include some possible characters in the third Iris Trilogy novel, which I will be writing and drafting throughout 2020.

I look to publish Anna’s Awakening in February 2020 and then publish The Hexingham Chronicles in the summer of 2020. In 2020, I want to publish at least two pieces of fiction and write my third and final Iris Trilogy novel. To have multiple Kindle fiction books for sale by the end of 2020 will be an amazing achievement and one that my grandfather would have relished if he were still alive today.

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Click on the image to watch my SG Fiction YouTube channel to learn more about me as a UK fiction author.

A UK Fiction Author’s Inspiration: Grandfather Billy

When I wrote this article, I wanted to use it as the starting point for a topic of conversation between fellow poets, screenwriters, bloggers, and Kindle fiction books authors.

We all have people in our lives, whether past or present, who inspire us to do what we do. It is clear that my grandfather had a significant impact on my life as a UK fiction author, but who is your inspirational figure?

It is easy to pick a fellow author as someone who inspired you. I want to know which ‘normal’ people in your everyday life inspired you as you grew up or as you write at this moment in time.

Many of the people who inspire us in our personal lives rarely know it, and it’s your chance to give them a mention, and possibly embarrass them at the same time. Please take this opportunity to share who they are and how they inspire you in the comments section below.

If my grandfather were still alive today, I would love to embarrass him by sharing just how much those stories meant to me. I would tell him how important it was for me to have him there as a role model for me. I know he would burst out laughing and not to be silly, but I also know he would smile inside that he had that impact on me growing up.

iris trilogy fiction books

Click on the image to see the fiction books I have released so far. Both Inside Iris and Anna’s Awakening are available for purchase on Kindle and paperback from Amazon.


In my mind, I know that my grandfather’s stories helped me to have a deep love for storytelling. The fact that my favourite stories all stem from the classical gothic literature section of a bookstore shows just how much of an impact those ‘scary stories’ had on me.

To this day, when I make pancakes, I remember standing with my grandfather at the grill pan. I can still smell his batter mix as it hit the hot pan. I can remember flipping the pancakes over and watching them rise. Most of all, I can hear his words as he makes up another story for his eldest grandchild and ‘wee chef’ standing by his side.

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